Diem 5.0 BETA5 released
February 4, 2010 by Thibault D
Today we are very proud to bring you the latest Beta before we are moving to the first Release Candidate.
Thanks to the growing community, many bugs were found and fixed. The core team also implemented most of Diem 5.0's missing features.
The dmMenu class now allows you to create dynamic recursive menus very easily, thanks to dmMenu->addRecursiveChildren($depth) method.
Additionally, Diem now provides a new Menu Widget. It allows you to create and manage menus directly on the front, without any technical knowledge. Just drag, drop, and click.
Admin enhancements
Real time resource locks
Diem is designed to be used in a team. If many writers work on the same content at the same time, some work could be lost. To avoid that, resource locks have been implemented, using Ajax ping requests. Users modifying a resource are displayed in real time, so you can wait they leave to start modifying it yourself.
Markdown editors
The markdown editor now provides a Full Screen mode, that resizes the textarea and the preview zone to the window height in one click. Also the preview scroller is now synchronized with the textarea scroller.
Media library
Entirely refactored and 100% tested, the new media library now allows you to move and rename files and folders. The media synchronizer has also been rewritten. When you add files and folders in your upload dir with your OS, then open the admin media library, everything is automatically synchronized.
Front enhancements
Copy and paste widgets
You can now cut, copy and paste your widgets from one page to another. Open the widget dialog, click on Cut or Paste. The widget appears in the "Add" menu, on the CLIPBOARD section. You can now drag&drop it normally onto the page.
New plugins are available:
- dmGoogleMapPlugin displays google maps on your site without writing a line of code
- dmContactPlugin allows visitors to send you contact requests
- dmCommentPlugin adds commentable capabilities to any of your models.
Other plugins have been improved and are 100% backwards compatible.
And more
Updated libraries
- jQuery 1.4.1
- jQuery UI 1.8rc1
- Zend Framework 1.10
Front widget cache is now faster, more assets are loaded asynchronously and the editor javascript code has been profiled and improved.
- stylesheets have been optimized for WebKit-based browsers like Google Chrome
- you can now decide to include a JavaScript library in the head section to make some symfony plugins work
- template helpers do not use the "£" symbol anymore
Many bugs have been diagnosed and fixed. The continuous integration server now runs more than 3300 tests on each commit, to ensure the stability of the trunk.