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Adds a Gallery with many different effects to the front Add menu

Adds a gallery widget to the front Add menu.
It allows to build image galleries and slideshows based on the Nivo Slider jQuery plugin, without writing a line of code.
The plugin is fully extensible.


  • In a console, from your project root dir, run:
git clone git://github.com/DandyDev/dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin.git plugins/dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin  
  • In config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php, add dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin to the list of enabled plugins:
class ProjectConfiguration extends dmProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()  
      // your enabled plugins  
  • In a console, from your project root dir, run:
php symfony dm:setup  

dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin packages a Diem front widget for displaying image galleries based on the Nivo Slider jQuery Plugin.
dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin is partly based on dmWdigetGalleryPlugin by Thibault Duplessis.

Add a gallery on the site

Just click the add button in the front toolbar and drag a Nivo Gallery into the site.
Important:Click the refresh button after adding the gallery for the first time. Otherwise it doesn't load the custom css and js properly, and you'll be stuck with an ugly looking gallery :)

Manage gallery images

Medias tab

Open the MEDIA right panel, then drag&drop images into gallery dialog.
You can set an alt attribute to each image.
To add a link to an image, you can :

  • drag&drop a link to the field from the left PAGES panel
  • write a full url to another site

Thumbnails tab

Contrary to it's inspiration, dmWdigetGalleryPlugin, here you are required to add width and height, because of the internal workings of Nivo Gallery in combination with Diem.
JPEG Quality works just like all other media in Diem.

Effects tab


Pick a transition effect here. Choose random to make the transition different each time, it's my favorite setting personally. For a demonstration of all effects, have a look at the Nivo Slider homepage

Animation Speed

This determines the speed at which the transitions play out. Time is in seconds.

Pauze Time

Here you can set how long the gallery must wait before playing the next transition.


Set a custom css class here

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    dmWidgetNivoGalleryPlugin, created on June 20, 2011 by DandyDev, used by 415 projects

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