miGoogleMapsNavigation plugin can be done where you can find the way to go using the Google Maps API. You can also add more than two places to go. See in action in http://misdigital.net/web/index.php/como-llegar
git clone git://github.com/ferchuhill/miGoogleMapsNavigationPlugin.git plugins/miGoogleMapsNavigationPlugin
class ProjectConfiguration extends dmProjectConfiguration { public function setup() { parent::setup(); $this->enablePlugins(array( // your enabled plugins 'miGoogleMapsNavigationPlugin' ));
php symfony dm:setup
This widget can be used without any extra configuration.
If needed, by modifying the widget symfony as follows:
$ this-> miWidgetMap-> setPosicionIr (array ('titulo' => 'Destination ..', 'Direcciones' => null));
The array can go the following configurations:
-titulo: is the title of the div, h1 tag in a
-zoom = '15 '. Is the level used,
-travelMode = ['DRIVING' | 'Walking' | 'Bicycling']
-OptimizeInternalPoints = ['false' | 'true']
-DivIdRenderMap = 'renderMap'
-StyleMap = '"width: 550px; height: 400px;"'
-styleContenedor = 'width: 800px; "
-DivClassRenderMap = 'map'
-DivIdRenderInstrucciones = 'instructions'
-DivClassRenderInstrucciones = 'null'
-DivIdRenderTotal = 'total'
-DivClassRenderTotal = 'total'
miGoogleMapsNavigationPlugin, created on August 30, 2011 by ferchuhill, used by 9 projects
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