Diem plugins syndication


Adds social connect abilities using OAuth

DmSocialPlugin brings:

  • Basic classes to permit authentification to social networks using OAuth1 or OAuth2
  • Model of the token used during connections
  • Easy connection to services supporting OAuth like Facebook, Yahoo, Google
  • For example you can use Facebook API without Fbml or Javascript Api. It can be an easy way to use Facebook Connect


  • In a console, from your project root dir, run:
git clone git://github.com/kisskrool/dmSocialPlugin.git plugins/dmSocialPlugin  
  • In config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php, add dmSocialPlugin to the list of enabled plugins:
class ProjectConfiguration extends dmProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()  
      // your enabled plugins  
  • In a console, from your project root dir, run:
php symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff  

php symfony doctrine:migrate  

php symfony dm:setup  

To complete the installation

  • Override the user in lib/vendor/diem/dmFrontPlugin/lib/user/dmFrontUser.php and/or lib/vendor/diem/dmAdminPlugin/lib/user/dmAdminUser.php if you wish to allow social connections either in front or/and admin:

    - dmFrontUser: class dmFrontUser extends dmSocialUser  
    - dmAdminUser: class dmAdminUser extends dmSocialUser  


At this time dmSocial has 8 networks:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • LinkedIn
  • MySpace
  • Twitter
  • Neutral1 #A base class to support OAuth1
  • Neutral2 #A base class to support OAuth2


Available options in app.yml :

    create_user: false            # create a new user if not logged when you connect to a service  
    redirect_register: false      # you can redirect to a register form or anything else by specify  
                                  # a valid route like "@user_register"   
      key:  my_service_key  
      secret: my_secret_key  
      callback: @mymodule_index   # or absolute url to which it will be redirected after social authentication & authorisation  

      #needed for google or facebook  
      api: [contacts, ...]        # only for google - easy way to set scopes  
      scope: [permission_1, ...]  # for google and facebook to set permissions - for google prefere api parameter  

      user:                       # to create a user  
          call: xx  
          call_parameters: [x, x, x]  
          path: xx.xy.zz  
          prefix: xx_  
          suffix: _xx  
          key: false  

      provider: provider          # like google, facebook -optional if 'name' config key is the name of the provider  
      request_token_url: url      # override the url - for OAuth 1 implementation only  
      request_auth_url: url  
      access_token_url: url  
      namespaces:                 # namespaces are used to make some api calls - see namespace Section  
        ns1: http://my.name.space  
      aliases:                    # Alias is an easy way to simplify api calls  
        me: my/alias     
        param1: value  
        param1: value  
        param1: value  
      output_format: json  
      create_user: true        
      redirect_register: false  

      #optional only for OAuth 1  
        param1: value  
      request_token_url: url  

In an action:


This action redirects to the callback specified in the app.yml

In an other action when you have the autorization:

$this->getUser()->getNetwork('name')->getMe();  #see section Api for more informations  


We try a sample with facebook, Register an application (see section Register application to have url to register apps).
Then put the config in app.yml:

    create_user: true               # to create a user for all networks  
      key: my_api_key  
      secret: application_secret  
      callback: @homepage  
      scope: [email]                #optional - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/permissions/   
                                    # needed to create an user based on his email_address  
        username:                   # the name of a field of DmUser  
          call: me                  # api call  
          path: id                  # path could be user.object.email for example to retrieve the right inforamtion  
          prefix: Facebook_  
        first_name:                 # optional, because added to DmUser model  
          call: me  
          path: first_name            
        last_name:                  # optional, because added to DmUser model  
          call: me  
          path: last_name             
        email:                      # this field is mandatory as otherwise a new user won't be saved in database  
          call: me                    
          path: email                 
          key: true                 # it's a key to retrieve user from other services based on this information  
                                    # if no field is a key all are keys by default.          

    facebook_plus:                  # you can manage more than one config for a service  
      provider: facebook            # to manage permissions for example              

For example we put a link in a _signin partial:

<?php echo _link('@social_connect?service=facebook')->text('Connect to facebook'); ?>  

or we use the helper, passing the parameter values from the executeSignin method in components.class.php :

<?php echo _social_connect_button($service, $route, __('Connect with').' '.$service, $options); ?>  

In actions.class.php :

public function executeConnect(dmWebRequest $request)  

public function executeFacebook(dmWebRequest $request)  
  $this->me = $this->getUser()->getNetwork('facebook')->getMe();  

Here is another example of configuration for getting the e-mail of a Google user:

    create_user: false  
          call: email  
          path: data.email  
          key: true  
          namespace: userinfo       # use the namespace userinfo for the email-call, not the default one          

      api: [contacts, calendar, gmail]  
        - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email  
        - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile  


The user creation is a security point because for example if you create user based on email addresses. If a user create an account by a classic way and if the email specified is not validated he can retrieve rights on the user which have the email.

So you have to specify the user creation by putting some informations in the config file (app.yml).

The informations under the user key in config allow to create a user with these pieces of information. The keys (key:true) allow to retrieve existing user to make links between services or to signin a user according his created account.

How it works :

If a user is authenticated and request access to a service. The rights are attached to him.

There is an event (socialnetwork.filter_user) to filter a user if authenticated. This event has params network and conflict.
network is the current network and conflict represents if the user match the key rules (app.yml). So in this filter you can change the user or do anything you want in this situation.

If the user is not authenticated, it tries to retrieve the user by the token then it try to retrieve the user by the keys(config).
And then create the user if needeed.

Before saving the user, if you specify redirect_register with a valid routing rule, you can redirect the workflow to your action.

In this case, you can retrieve the user created but not saved :

  • unserialize($this->getUser()->getAttribute('social_user'))

And the network :

  • unserialize($this->getUser()->getAttribute('network'))


When you call:


In fact it's use the default namespace of facebook : https://graph.facebook.com

It calls the method dmOAuth->get($action, $aliases, $params, $method = 'GET')

getMe means get('me')

getMeFriends -> get('me/friends')

an alias is a way to have simpliest call for example :

$fb_network->getFriends(array('friends' => 'me/friends'));  

you can put your own aliases in the app.yml to have simplier calls.


To make api calls, you have to know api for each service provider :

  • Google : http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/gdata/docs/directory.html
  • Facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
  • Yahoo! : http://developer.yahoo.com/everything.html#apis
  • ...

Register Application

  • Google: https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageDomains
  • Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php
  • Yahoo! : https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects


To change the namespace in use just use:

  • Facebook

    • default : https://graph.facebook.com
  • Google:

    • default: http://www.google.com
    • analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/
    • google_base: http://www.google.com/base/feeds/
    • book: http://www.google.com/books/feeds/
    • blogger: http://www.blogger.com/feeds/
    • calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/
    • contacts: http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/
    • chrome: http://www.googleapis.com/auth/chromewebstore.readonly
    • documents: http://docs.google.com/feeds/
    • finance: http://finance.google.com/finance/feeds/
    • gmail: http://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom
    • health: http://www.google.com/health/feeds/
    • h9: http://www.google.com/h9/feeds/
    • maps: http://maps.google.com/maps/feeds/
    • moderator: tag:google.com,2010:auth/moderator
    • open_social: http://www-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/api/people/
    • orkut: http://www.orkut.com/social/rest
    • picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com/data/
    • sidewiki: http://www.google.com/sidewiki/feeds/
    • sites: http://sites.google.com/feeds/
    • spreadsheets: http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/
    • wave: http://wave.googleusercontent.com/api/rpc
    • webmaster_tools: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/feeds/
    • youtube: http://gdata.youtube.com
    • oauth2: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1
    • plus: https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1
    • userinfo: https://www.googleapis.com/userinfo

You can use all these namespaces in the api config to have permissions to use them.

  • Twitter

    • default: http://api.twitter.com
  • Yahoo !

    • default: http://social.yahooapis.com/v1

      • LinkedIn
    • default: https://api.linkedin.com/v1

      • MySpace
    • default: http://api.myspace.com/v1


Default aliases :

  • Google

    • contacts: m8/feeds/contacts
    • me: default/full
  • Yahoo !

    • uid: [userid]
    • me: user/[userid]
  • LinkedIn

    • me: people/~
  • MySpace

    • me: user.json


If you want more providers or more default aliases. Feel free to ask or contribute on Github at http://github.com/chok/sfMelodyPlugin for example adding support to some networks (ie. melodies by this plugin), or at http://github.com/kisskrool/dmSocialPlugin


  • Tests for other networks than Facebook
  • Some kind of widget to transmit some parameters from the app.yml (like which network to use, the image, etc) to the Signin button
  • Other ideas are welcome :-)
  • MultifingerNovember 15, 2011 6:03 PM

    Hi! That's great plugin, every modern site must have such ability to authorise users by SocialConnectors...
    Can you provide some examples of your plugin in work?

  • bonesnatchJuly 14, 2012 4:26 AM

    hi, does anyone know how to install/enable multiple plugins in ProjectConfiguration.class.php?

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    Wined Down with Joe Roberts: Bachelor #1, If You Were A winemaker
    What gets you out of bed when twenty-five gorgeous women, all vying for your attention, are trying to keep you in it?For Ben Flajnik, the star of ABC&rsquo;s The Bachelor, the answer is not (as it would be for most of us) &ldquo;twenty-five more women in another bed.&rdquo;It&rsquo;s &ldquo;grapes.&rdquo; As in, the kind of back-breaking stuff with grapes that would make most of us rush right back into that crowded bed&mdash;picking, crushing and vinifying to make accessible, food-friendly wines.To each his own, I suppose.Ben, along with childhood buddy Mike Benziger (and another long-time friend, new joiner Danny Fay), is the force behind Sonoma&rsquo;s Envolve Winery. Like most twenty-something guys, Ben and Mike like to party, and getting them to settle down for a few minutes [url=http://beautifulcoachbackpacks2t.webs.com/]coach backpacks[/url] in an interview is a bit like herding cats. But get them talking about vino and you start to see some focused obsession on bringing svelte, well-made, dinner-table-ready wines to the masses.&ldquo;It&rsquo;s the complete opposite of anything fat or lush,&rdquo; Ben told me when describing his ideal wines over lunch at Sonoma&rsquo;s Puma Springs Vineyard, where he will be sourcing most of the grapes for his wines going forward. &ldquo;You&rsquo;re not gonna bite into a big piece of lumber with these wines.&rdquo;Okay, we all love vino but back to those twenty-five gorgeous girls for a minute: surely Ben&rsquo;s dual role as winemaker and ABC&rsquo;s The Bachelor star was a perfect test bed for whether or not wine knowledge makes you more attractive?&ldquo;I clearly put it to [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]Coach Outlet[/url] the test,&rdquo; he told me. &ldquo;People see this romantic side of winemaking, and that&rsquo;s kind of why Envolve started &mdash;to showcase the journey [wine] goes through and how unromantic it really is. What we do with this fruit is stressful, it&rsquo;s a lot like being The Bachelor!&rdquo;Twenty-five hot women clamoring after you is stressful? The ladies had to love that you were deep into wine, right?&ldquo;Sure. When you talk to people and they find out what your profession is and what you do, there&rsquo;s a persona that goes along with being a winemaker, and it&rsquo;s romantic. Before I was a winemaker, I thought &lsquo;damn, maybe I could find this really great woman who&rsquo;s a winemaker or whose family owns a vineyard, maybe I can be part of that life!&rsquo; I&rsquo;m sure that some of them probably felt the same.&rdquo;Ok, this guy makes wine, had twenty-five women thinking he was a hotter commodity than lemonade in the Sahara, and he&rsquo;s humble? Now I was annoyed.That is, I was annoyed until I tried Envolve&rsquo;s Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, which runs about forty clams and over-delivers in blackberry, red plum, and tea-leaf awesomeness for the price. Their spicy, earthy, structured Russian River Valley Pinot Noir (around $30), farmed from a small nine-acre family-run vineyard, is also a good deal for the coin, and their Sonoma Mountain Rose is meaty and tasty enough to pair with ham sandwiches, while also being lovely, herbal, and bright enough to loosen your date&rsquo;s inhibitions.Envolve started [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]coach factory online[/url] as a self-funded venture in 2009, when Ben and Mike decided that they wanted to turn the only thing that kept them out of trouble&mdash;winemaking&mdash;into full-time jobs. They had [url=http://beautifulcoachbackpacks2t.webs.com/]coach backpacks[/url] a leg up on most twenty-somethings with a wine dream, though, having access to Mike&rsquo;s family who have been making fine wine in Sonoma for years under the Imagery and Benzinger brands (Joe Benzinger at Imagery remains their biggest influence).Pedigree doesn&rsquo;t equate to investment, though&mdash;so the Envolve boys have been turning to social media big-time to try to get their message out, while trying to keep prices down despite the lure of cashing in on the ABC&rsquo;s The Bachelor exposure.&ldquo;We&rsquo;re not reaching out to sell wine through social media. In the land of 80 pound gorillas, and all these massive wineries and major producers, we&rsquo;re a drop in the bucket. They have advertising budgets for days; I don&rsquo;t think we have an advertising budget, so we have to implement other ways of reaching our consumers. We have to kind of fight &lsquo;guerilla style&rsquo; and be [url=http://beautifulcoachbackpacks2t.webs.com/]coach backpacks[/url] very interactive with our friends and our customers.&rdquo;Added Mike: &ldquo;We grew up with social media, so it&rsquo;s always been a part of our lives. It&rsquo;s another way to convey an experience; it&rsquo;s just a quick way to reach out to people and let them know who we are. In a world today that&rsquo;s filled with so many wine brands, that connection is really important. We can&rsquo;t be in fifty states all the time, and it&rsquo;s a way for us to connect with these people who don&rsquo;t live close by. We&rsquo;re huge into putting a face behind our brand, and this is a way to let people know who we are and why we&rsquo;re doing this.&rdquo;So now that the TV stint with the twenty-five hot women is over, what compares in terms of exciting things on the horizon? You guessed it&mdash;it&rsquo;s all grape-related.&ldquo;The launch of the new brand we started in January &ndash; Epilogue. It&rsquo;s a much more reachable price point and much more reachable distribution network. It&rsquo;s really exciting expanding into these new markets,&rdquo; Mike told me.Added Ben, &ldquo;it&rsquo;s a different winemaking style, too. Mike and I are getting to play with all different types of fruit from everywhere and trying to create the best wine possible&mdash;it&rsquo;s fun. It&rsquo;s the more&hellip; I don&rsquo;t know&hellip; the &lsquo;science and math side&rsquo; of winemaking that I am super-excited about. When we put something together that we love and then our mentors come along and say &lsquo;hey you guys did a great job with this,&rsquo; that&rsquo;s when Mike and I get most excited, when we can spread our wings a little bit.&rdquo;Science and math? Spreading wings after potentially spreading gorgeous legs? Ah, the folly of youth&hellip;About the Author:Joe Roberts is a certified wine geek, and has been called "an original" by media maven Gary Vaynerchuk, "provocative" by the Seattle Times, and "a Robin Hood in the exclusive world of vineyards and corkings" by The Urban Grocer. His wine knowledge has been tapped by the L.A. Times, New York Times, CNBC.com, Mutineer Magazine, Publix, Palate Press, Mint.com, and Wines.com. You can find Joe regularly roasting wine's sacred cow (and pairing them with robust, obscure red) at the award-winning 1WineDude.com.

  • GagKigsliskMay 22, 2013 5:08 PM

    The Playboy.com Global Report: May 3, 2012
    Welcome to the Global Report: [url=http://cheapcoachfactorybackpacks2i.webs.com/]cheap coach backpacks[/url] our weekly column of the most important issues happening across the planet. From politics to war, monarchies to dictatorships, and everything in-between, we&rsquo;ve got it covered. It&rsquo;s world news, Playboy.com style.To start off this week&rsquo;s Americas news update, we&rsquo;d like to bring you a very important message from our founder regarding the recent controversy involving the US Secret Service agents who hired prostitutes while attending the recent Summit of the Americas in Colombia last month. To set the record straight regarding our purported interest in the matter:Playboy has expressed no interest in photos of the Columbian hooker involved in the Secret Service scandal.&mdash; Hugh Hefner (@hughhefner) May 2, 2012US President Barack Obama made an unannounced visit to [url=http://www.ccoachfactoryoutlets.com/]coach factory outlet[/url] Afghanistan this week on the anniversary of last year&rsquo;s Pakistani raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, a move that can be seen as both a sign of goodwill in terms of [url=http://cheapcoachfactorybackpacks2i.webs.com/]coach backpacks[/url] ending the major US involvement in the country as well as a US election-minded photo op. We can only say that this visit can only be positive for public opinion polls at the moment; as for the benefit to Afghanistan, it&rsquo;s still unclear what repercussions await when the US fully withdraws [url=http://www.ccoachfactoryoutlets.com/]coach factory[/url] from the country.The tumultuous Russian-American defense relationship reached yet another tipping point this week as the former began hosting an international conference on missile defense in Moscow. The conference, which is a result of the cancellation of the Russia-NATO Summit that was due to take place in Chicago later this month, focuses upon regional missile defense between Central Europe (NATO) and Eurasian Nations (former Soviet states). The Chicago conference fell through when it was decided that discussions between Washington and Moscow over the United States&rsquo; planned missile defense sites in Central Europe and Turkey had hit a brick wall and were likely to undermine talks.The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) of monarch states reiterated a call similar to NATO&rsquo;s article 5, which states an &ldquo;all for one, and one for all&rdquo; approach to regional conflict. Saudi Arabia condemned Iran&rsquo;s interference in Bahrain yesterday and its occupation of a Saudi-Iranian disputed island in the Gulf. While the US may be increasingly unlikely to take action against Iran in recent weeks, it&rsquo;s much less clear if the Gulf States are willing to provoke the sleeping giant. Combined, the GCC does hold substantial regional power, but lacks the supposed nuclear capabilities that Iran is reported to have.In Egypt, the ruling military-based government is considering the long-awaited handover of power to the to-be-determined incoming government if the new presidential candidate is chosen within the first election round on May 24. This proposal is seen as an attempt to both appease protestors and end the continued violence that began with the so-called Arab Spring and led to the highly publicized Cairo demonstrations.A struggle for the government of Mali is underway at the moment, with soldiers loyal to the former government attempting to take control [url=http://www.ccoachfactoryoutlets.com/]online coach factory outlet[/url] of certain transport routes in order to bring in troops from the regional West African coalition (ECOWAS). While cops are not expressly rare in this area, success rates tend to vary based on external state support.The AP have reported that a massacre occurred in Nigeria over the weekend as gunmen shot and killed 5 churchgoers at a Church of Christ in Maiduguri. This brings the total number of victims killed over the weekend to 21, which includes coordinated attacks that claimed 16 lives near Kano.Earlier today, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to end the fighting between new neighbors Sudan and South Sudan. After being called for by the African Union (AU) in recent weeks, the resolution is seen as a &ldquo;roadmap to peace&rdquo; for the region and outlines a method to split the oil revenues that have sparked a war between the formerly unified countries, which did not clarify a system when South Sudan declared independence last year. The nations have three months to negotiate or face UN sanctions; it will be interesting to see if both countries are able to accept and follow the plan.In an interesting turn for Russian-Japanese relations, Russian state news reported earlier today that energy giant Gazprom is in talks to build an underwater pipeline between East Russia and the Japanese archipelago. Despite the fact that both nations still routinely exercise sovereignty claims over a number of islands, this development could be the start of a powerful and mutually beneficial energy relationship.Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng, who escaped from house arrest early last week, left his refuge at the [url=http://cheapcoachfactorybackpacks2i.webs.com/]coach backpacks[/url] US Embassy in Beijing yesterday after being warned by Chinese authorities that prolonging his time out of custody would have repercussions on a reunion with his family. While there are conflicting reports between the US government and the international press as to whether Chen has asked for asylum outside the country for him and his family, we believe the US will be hesitant to fulfill such a request as it would increase strain on American-Chinese ties.The Reserve Bank of Australia lowered its cash rate earlier this week, citing economic issues that were still not recovering as well as they hoped for the current year. In addition to this, Prime Minister Julia Gillard&rsquo;s government has slashed defense spending by $4 billion AUD as part of cost-cutting measures.In Galactic news, NASA has become bored with its usual press releases and has opted for new interstellar hooks such as "Black Hole Caught Red-Handed in a Stellar Homicide." You can enjoy the rest of their hilarious shenanigans by clicking here. In Creature Feature news, three men who snuck into SeaWorld on the Gold Coast last month and &ldquo;borrowed&rdquo; a penguin after swimming with the dolphins have admitted to tomfoolery and apologized for their drunken charades. Check out their video below:

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    September 10, 2007September 10 10:14 PMby ELLE 0 Comments Day 7 You know those perfect mornings when you manage to hit snooze only once, start the day off right with a couple bowls of Smart Start and [url=http://english.ipp.ac.cn/coachoutlet365.html]http://english.ipp.ac.cn/coachoutlet365.html[/url] a peaceful cup of Earl Grey, then shove off to a pretty, easy going presentation of Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent? Chock full of Virgin Suicides-inspired feminine and cool pieces, I also managed to get a peek at Vincent's shoes for Spring – delicate heels and flats in eel skin and python, woven leather and bright colors. The clothing was easy and breezy with dainty jewel details, cascading ruffles and crochet in an array of suburban 70s colors. Right on. As the day progressed, and the sky alternated between cloudy and sunny, the runways presented a battle of good girls and bad girls. A longtime fan of Nanette Lepore (L), the bold, all-neon-like prints that first hit the runway were blinding and overpowering. I felt solstice when they gave way to a better balance of fruity stripes and retro florals twinned with crisp khaki and gray separates. Additions of bright python belts, big rhinestone rings, and fun embroidery added luxe to the youthful and super femme collection. And I'll just continue talking about super femme, where Jill Stuart (M) had a field day. At the New York Public Library, girls in a petal palette paraded around in exaggerated ruffles, sheer fabrics and prom-worthy sweetheart dresses. There were a few bad girls in shiny black satin get ups but the good girls stole the show. Meanwhile, at Luca Luca (R), whisper light materials and delicate colors also occurred. This collection could have used more punch, but it was indeed pretty. Lunch break! Malo (L) incorporated Japanese references – kimono jackets, plump florals, obi belts – with serious structure. A [url=http://english.ipp.ac.cn/coachoutlet365.html]http://english.ipp.ac.cn/coachoutlet365.html[/url] striking cobalt blue mixed with black was fierce within asymmetrical dresses and modern shapes. While metallics seem to be fading away, and being replaced with shiny satins, a gold metallic leather top was fierce. Leave it to Anna Sui (R) to mix things up. Sui's punk-meets-primp aesthetic worked and those punky wigs were super fun. Sui took 40s style dresses, blouses and short shorts and toughened them up with bright hues, zig zag prints and  funky accessories.  Here is where over-accessorizing was a good thing! Much as my day started, it ended with a lax presentation by cashmere impresarios Lutz + Patmos. Delicate knits in mostly [url=http://english.ipp.ac.cn/coachoutlet365.html]coach factory outlet[/url] neutrals, except for a few punches of color, hung on stark mannequins. Touches like ruffles, bell sleeves, chains and skull caps added sweetness. Sweet dreams... Tags:

  • UnerdigreemumJune 2, 2013 11:08 AM

    Raw Cut: Johnny Rozsa&#x2019;s New Photography Book ELLE
    Raw Cut: Johnny Rozsa&#x2019;s New Photography BookOctober 13 4:00 PMby Genevieve Bahrenburg 0 Comments Leigh Bowery and Trojan. Photo: Johnny Rosza. "I have two favorite images in my book. The first is the photograph of Leigh Bowery and Trojan," says celebrity photographer Johnny Rozsa about his debut retrospective, Untouched, which [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]coach factory[/url] is launching alongside his first New York solo exhibition at Christopher Henry Gallery on Friday. "When I met them, in the mid 80′s, they were so unbelievably different. They were wandering around London, day and night, looking like Krishna on acid. Looking back [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]coach factory[/url] now, they were creating an iconic fashion tsunami. They were a huge influence on the biggest fashion designers of the last ten years, because they fused art and fashion, [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]coach outlet online[/url] and they broke barriers in hemlines and silhouettes, and in make up as well. Because they looked so beyond outrageous, I felt the best way to capture them was in an Avedon-style bland background, so their uniqueness would jump out. That image has stood the test of time." In Untouched, which includes introductory comments by Susan Sarandon, Rozsa (who's been photographing pop culture luminaries since 1975) shows very private and intimate sides of some the world's most public personalities. We get a glimpse of Halle Berry mooning the camera, a loving moment between Ryan O'Neal and [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]savebigshopping.com[/url] Farah Fawcett, a [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]http://savebigshopping.com/[/url] freckled Daryl Hannah, and candid, un-Photoshopped portraits of stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jade Jagger, Natasha Richardson, Geena Davis, Whitney Huston, Snoop Dogg, Johnny Rotten and Rick James. Angelica Huston. Photo: Johnny Rosza. "The other image I am fond of is the Angelica Huston," says Rozsa. "She had been a terribly successful model, having been photographed by all [url=http://savebigshopping.com/]coach factory outlet[/url] the hugest photographers in New York, Paris and London. So I was thrilled to have the opportunity to shoot her in my studio in LA. I emulated the lighting of the great Hollywood photographers of the Thirties and Forties, using huge tungsten lights, to bring out the drama in her unusual, quirky beauty. I wanted to capture movement and drama in stark black and white and somehow present her as the Hollywood Royalty that she has become." Mission accomplished Johnny. Tags: Halle berry angelica huston Leigh Bowery susan sarandon Johnny Rosza

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    Выравнивает и разглаживает кожу декольте
    [b]Применение:[/b] достаньте маску из пакетика и распределите ее равномерно на области груди, накройте полиэтиленовым дубликатом, оставьте на 10 - 15 минут. Рекомендуется применять маску 2 раза в неделю на протяжении месяца. Для усиления эффекта рекомендуется применять в комплексе с [b] кремом Bust Beauty Cream [/b] .
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    [b]Меры предосторожности:[/b] хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
    [b]Производитель:[/b] Китай, Guangzhou Yusong Refinment Chemical Co., Ltd.
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    [b] Способ №1.[/b] Нанести небольшое количество соли на влажную кожу мягкими круговыми движениями. Длительность процедуры не ограничена. После применения смойте водой.
    [b] Способ №2.[/b] Пакетик соли растворите в теплой воде. Принимайте ванну не более 20 минут.
    [b]Состав:[/b] water, sea salt, strawberry extract. Содержание хлорида натрия не превышает 15-20%.
    [b]Хлор[/b] - один из основных регуляторов осмотического давления в клетке, поддерживающий необходимый водный баланс.
    [b]Магний[/b] - повышает жизнеспособность клеток и имеет огромное значение как антистрессовый минерал (при недостатке магния ускоряется процесс старения кожи).
    [b]Калий[/b] - улучшает проникновение питательных веществ в клетку через клеточные мембраны, обладает антиаллергическим действием и участвует в регулировании осмотического давления во внутритканевой жидкости.
    [b]Кальций[/b] - укрепляет соединительные ткани, играет большую роль в процессах кожного метаболизма, зажвивления ран и предупреждения инфекций.
    [b]Натрий[/b] - поставляет энергию и вместе с хлором регулирует уровень влаги в клетках.
    [b]Бром[/b] - действует как успокаивающий антисептик.
    [url=http://tiande24.ru/product_info.php/products_id/146]Соль для тела «Клубничный шейк» 60 г[/url]

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  • BreawaylielryJuly 12, 2013 3:20 AM

    Margaret writes, "I am allergic to substances used in very, very many shoes as are an increasing number of people. "When it first happened to me, I thought I must be crazy. ? Bought a new pair of walking shoes, wore them for one hour with socks on my treadmill, and afterward the skin on the tops of my toes and feet felt irritated and itchy. ? I wore those shoes a total of three one hour stints, resulting in the tops and soles of my feet feeling chemically burned and incredibly itchy. "For weeks, whenever my feet got hot, the intense burning and itching returned, making my feet feel like I'd been stung by bees. ? Since that initial acute reaction, I have developed reactions to many of my other shoes that had not previously bothered me to a noticeable degree. "Thinking I must be nuts, I Googled "shoe allergy" and found that I am not crazy and I am not alone. ? I found a forum of people all discussing shoe allergies and a list of the most common allergens, which include glues, dyes, tanning chemicals, rubber accelerators, etc. "My dermatologist had a "shoe kit" and tested me for all the most common culprits, but we?didn't?find what substance s I am allergic to. ? He said he could continue testing with a longer list, but it would be expensive and then there is the problem?that shoe manufacturers?can't usually tell you or guarantee you?what is or is not used in any given shoe, anyway. "Now, ?every single pair [url=http://english.ipp.ac.cn/soccerjerseys.html]cheap soccer jerseys[/url] of shoes I buy, whether?athletic shoes, dress shoes, ?sandals, etc., I have to buy them, wear them around inside for several?hours, and try to determine if my feet are going to react. ? Sadly, most shoes do cause a reaction, and?then I have to return them and start over. ? Margaret. " I myself have had a wide variety of allergies. ? I found several research studies that confirmed that people have allergies to a wide variety of adhesives, rubber chemicals, and leather treatments [url=http://www.lijiangstudio.org/cheapfootballjerseys.html]cheap football jerseys[/url] used in shoes and insoles. ? Often, the allergy produces contact dermatitis. ? As Margaret points out, this can be painful and distressing. ? Ultimately, you have to learn how to avoid the chemical that is causing it. ? Bec

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  • xceordowAugust 1, 2013 2:20 AM

    Atlanta is expected to revamp a roster that made the playoffs but has only $25 million in salary committed to four players for next season. Budenhozler will remain with the Spurs for the duration of the postseason before joining the Hawks.The Spurs are an NBA-best 908-438 (.675) in the regular season with four NBA titles (1999, 2003, 2005 and 2007) since Budenholzer joined the coaching staff in 1996. During his first two seasons, he worked as team video coordinator."I couldn't be happier for Mike for many reasons. As anyone who's been part of this program knows, he has been more of a co-head coach than an assistant for a long time. His knowledge of the game as well as his ability to teach and develop relationships with players are all special," said Popovich. "I will miss him a great deal both professionally and personally and am confident that he and Danny will make a great team as the future unfolds." [url=http://www.retrojordansretail.com/]Air Jordan 21[/url] The next steps for Ranadive will be figuring out the basketball operations and finalizing the deal for a new arena. He already has been busy helping staff sell season tickets and boost sponsorship.The contract for Kings president of basketball operations Geoff Petrie expires after June 30 and he is not expected to return. Coach Keith Smart is signed through this upcoming season; however, most of his assistants are not.Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson - a former NBA All-Star guard - got the City Council to approve a non-binding financing plan for a $447 million facility with a $258 million public subsidy. But that deal is still pending environmental and other reviews. Atlanta is expected to revamp a roster that made the playoffs but has only $25 million in salary committed to four players for next season. Budenhozler will remain with the Spurs for the duration of the postseason before joining the Hawks.The Spurs are an NBA-best 908-438 (.675) in the regular season with four NBA titles (1999, 2003, 2005 and 2007) since Budenholzer joined the coaching staff in 1996. During his first two seasons, he worked as team video coordinator."I couldn't be happier for Mike for many reasons. As anyone who's been part of this program knows, he has been more of a co-head coach than an assistant for a long time. His knowledge of the game as well as his ability to teach and develop relationships with players are all special," said Popovich. "I will miss him a great deal both professionally and personally and am confident that he and Danny will make a great team as the future unfolds." [url=http://www.hotnbshoes.com/]New Balance 547 mens [/url] The Suns went 25-57 this season, finishing with the fourth-worst record in the NBA and second-worst in franchise history behind a 16-66 effort in their inaugural season of 1968-69. Which all of the sudden attended in to the making, making that entry I used to be place in the foolish. It appears right now I must get into that making themselves, so planning on, Post attended that making, nonetheless currently, you will find there’s safety the idea ended me personally, motioned me personally never to only type in. [url=http://www.retrojordansretail.com/]Air Jordan shoes[/url] The last hurray? Michael Jordan just seems to improve with age, and after leading the Chicago Bulls to 72 and 69 wins in the last two seasons while capturing many individual awards, at the age of 34-35 was Michael as good as any other. Other NBA players are usually well into their decline, at this age, but Mike not only remained afloat, it was the buoy that has kept the league over the water with its exciting game. Lead the Chicago Bulls to a 62 win season and captured his sixth NBA championship (while winning the MVP trifecta), Michael Jordan capped a legendary career Bulls come out on top – again. But the NBA 1997-98 season was a milestone era for Michael off the field as well as the Nike Jordan brand forks and becomes its own independent brand. There was no doubt that a 18-month hiatus from the game wreaked havoc, but the loss of Orlando does Michael hungry, angry, and ready for a challenge. Michael and the Bulls back with a vengeance with fire and came to the 1996 NBA All-Star break with an amazing 42-5 record. So how does the Air Jordan XI tie into all this? Tinker Hatfield, who was again the designer of the shoe, presented Michael with a pair to wear in the color test “Concord” White / Black during the 1995 series against Orlando. Ignoring pleas Hatfield not wear shoes, Michael simply could not resist and wore the Concords for a few games until he is given a stern warning from the NBA for non-compliance with the uniform policy team. For a match, Michael did not have any choice but to borrow a pair of Nike Air Flight One Penny Hardaway rival, but was at the Penny one cent cut heel tab of the shoe. The next play, Michael introduced the Air Jordan XI Black / White, which is now known as the color “Space Jam” – but of course, at the time of its debut, the film has not even been made yet. This series would be the last time that Michael was wearing the colors Space Jam, because once the 1995-96 season came, Michael wore the colors for Concord in the regular season until the All-Star Game, where he will launch a brand new never-before-seen version. [url=http://www.retrojordansretail.com/]Jordan retro Shoes[/url]

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    Another interesting speculation around the new stadium is that due to the government’s rejection of ’s stadium project and financial problems at both the clubs, there might be a possibility of a joint stadium project. Such a project has received support from the leader of Liverpool city council and the chief of Liverpool’s bid to host matches as part of an English 2018 bid.

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    For at times, it is keen on raising a globelike of angel investment with a because of to introducing its own Etsy-like marketplace to depute its users to sell buttons to others.

    The startup was launched in June 2012 and claims to be nearby to breaking even. Its close closeness to suppliers is essential [url=http://www.esneakersbay.com/]http://www.buynb574.com/[/url] to its plebeian pricing, founder Ken Lee says.

    Second Apple arise in the debate went to Xunta, a mongrel of stock gay app Grindr and Chinese flirting overhaul Momo – which has 16 Ipad case million users and raised a fresh $40 million Series B round. The rage visualization situation Pudding rounded out the top three spots.

    You can notice more details of the competition all about at Tech In Asia.

    Headline aspect via Apostolos Mastoris / Shutterstock, image from Startup Arena Singapore 2013 via Tech In Asia

  • LebvudowSeptember 2, 2013 8:08 AM

    Several methods of online shopping, a Hong Kong-based startup that claims [url=http://www.supratksocietyboxes.com/nb574ontheway.com.html]http://www.supratksocietyboxes.com/nb574ontheway.com.html[/url] to be the fraternity’s largest site pledge to selling buttons, has been given a kind portion of publicity and loot after it won the Startup Arena Singapore 2013 contest held at Tech shopping blog In Asia‘s Startup Asia anyhow today.

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    While the button making space is an unconventional industry to puncture, since it serves a very niche audience, the company says there is intensified without delay since most crafters and designers scarcity easy access to stores — peculiarly if they live in unimportant cities — and may not have time to go to the happy hunting-grounds and physically examine buttons. Putting them online makes them undemanding to find, not to bring up that the actors sells them at a guerdon that it claims is 50 percent shame than its rivals.

    The B2B maintenance houses more than 15,000 button designs and is aiming to “eventually put every apart button in the everybody online so that you can select the correct button you’re looking against”. It uses collective networks, including Tweet, Facebook and Pinterest, to remedy spread word of its products and is conventionally a beautifully laid discernible website.

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    Championing at once, it is stinging on raising a orotund of angel investment with a angle to introducing its own Etsy-like marketplace to entitle its users to stock buttons to others.

    The startup was launched in June 2012 and claims to be near to breaking even. Its suspend proximity to suppliers is key [url=http://www.retrojordan13shoes.com/jordanretrofirered.com.html]http://www.retrojordan13shoes.com/jordanretrofirered.com.html[/url] to its scanty pricing, go down Ken Lee says.

    Younger Apple hamlet in the battle went to Xunta, a mongrel of stock gay app Grindr and Chinese flirting amenities Momo – which has 16 Ipad case million users and raised a recent $40 million Series B round. Construct visualization site Pudding rounded discernible the supreme three spots.

    You can notice more details of the competition over at Tech In Asia.

    Headline fetish via Apostolos Mastoris / Shutterstock, dead ringer from Startup Arena Singapore 2013 via Tech In Asia

  • LebcdchcSeptember 2, 2013 11:26 AM

    Lots of Buttons, a Hong Kong-based startup that claims [url=http://www.lebron10eliteshoes.com/]New Balance 420 Grey Black For Men shoes[/url] to be the exceptional’s largest site dedicate to selling buttons, has been given a pleasingly measure of publicity and rhino after it won the Startup Arena Singapore 2013 contest held at Tech shopping blog In Asia‘s Startup Asia anyhow today.

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    While the button making time is an unconventional industriousness to present, since it serves a altogether place audience, the company says there is experienced without delay since most crafters and designers dearth unhurried access to stores — exceptionally if they live in minute cities — and may not possess time to go and physically study buttons. Putting them online makes them easy to reveal, not to mention that the actors sells them at a guerdon that it claims is 50 percent discredit than its rivals.

    The B2B checking houses more than 15,000 button designs and is aiming to “long run pickle d contribute every apart button in the everybody online so that you can settle upon the faultless button you’re looking quest of”. It uses common networks, including Tweet, Facebook and Pinterest, to remedy spread phrase of its products and is mostly a wonderfully laid at liberty website.

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    In return at once, it is intense on raising a round of angel investment with a view to introducing its own Etsy-like marketplace to agree to its users to dispose of buttons to others.

    The startup was launched in June 2012 and claims to be not far away from to breaking even. Its precise proximity to suppliers is pitch [url=http://www.lebron10eliteshoes.com/]New Balance 420 Grey Black For Men shoes[/url] to its murmurous pricing, under Ken Lee says.

    Lieutenant Apple region in the contest went to Xunta, a compound of fashionable gay app Grindr and Chinese flirting help Momo – which has 16 Ipad case million users and raised a recent $40 million Series B round. Fashion visualization site Pudding rounded discernible the lid three spots.

    You can notice more details of the struggle all about at Tech In Asia.

    Headline image via Apostolos Mastoris / Shutterstock, image from Startup Arena Singapore 2013 via Tech In Asia

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    Pewnie pragniesz wreszcie wziąć taki kredyt gotówkowy, który spowoduje, że kupisz sobie choćby telefon komórkowy bądź opłacisz stomatologa, ale potem nie będziesz miał żadnych przykrości. Cóż, od czego jest w takim razie stworzony przez nas wortal? No co jak co, ale dosłownie nikt kto rozważnie podejście do lektury zawartości w serwisie nie będzie miał wątpliwości odnośnie tego, który kredyt bez bik, a właśnie o kredytach bez zaświadczeń mowa, jest strzałem w dziesiątkę. Oczywiście porady zostały napisane w taki sposób, że autentycznie każdy zrozumie o co się rozchodzi. W końcu kredyt bez zaświadczeń jak najbardziej może być przyjazny. Pod każdym względem.

    Interesujące źródło porad dla takiego osobnika, który nie za bardzo wie, który kredyt bez bik przynajmniej na ten moment jest w czołówce. Trudno ogólnie wybrać pożyczkodawcę, ale po lekturze otworzonego przez nas wortalu wreszcie definitywnie wszystko będzie jasne. Mamy nadzieję, że kredyt gotówkowy faktycznie jest czymś na czym bardzo dobrze się znamy - reakcje czytelników to potwierdzają. Chętnie odpowiemy na wszystkie zapytania jeśli wchodzi w rachubę kredyt bez zaświadczeń, często aktualizujemy stronę, a więc wszyscy pożyczkobiorcy powinni być zadowoleni.

  • JerrybemFebruary 22, 2018 5:34 PM

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dmSocialPlugin, created on October 22, 2011 by kisskrool, used by 35 projects

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