In this example we will create a simple blog plugin, intelligently called "dmSimpleBlogPlugin".
First, enable it in
class ProjectConfiguration extends dmProjectConfiguration { public function setup() { parent::setup(); $this->enablePlugins(array( 'dmSimpleBlogPlugin' )); // ...
Let's create a minimal plugin structure in our project:
actAs: [ Timestampable, DmSortable, DmVersionable ]
name: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
resume: { type: string(255) }
text: { type: clob, extra: markdown }
is_active: { type: boolean, notnull: true, default: true }
created_by: { type: integer }
class: DmUser
local: created_by
foreignAlias: DmSimpleBlogPosts
onDelete: SET NULL
actAs: [ Timestampable ]
post_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }
name: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
text: { type: clob }
is_active: { type: boolean, notnull: true, default: true }
class: DmSimpleBlogPost
local: post_id
foreignAlias: Comments
onDelete: CASCADE
It's a good pratice to prefix the plugin models with Dm%PluginName%.
"Simple Blog":
name: Blog Post
page: true
name: Blog Comment
filters: [ dmSimpleBlogPost ]
It's a good pratice to prefix the plugin modules with dm%PluginName%.
php symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff
php symfony doctrine:migrate
php symfony dm:setup
Now the plugin is ready.
Admin and front modules have been created in the plugin dir. Customize them as you do for a normal project.
The first thing to do is to connect your plugin tests to your project by using the setupPlugins method in your ProjectConfiguration.class.php file.
public function setupPlugins() { $this->pluginConfigurations['dmSimpleBlogPlugin']->connectTests(); }
Then create a test/unit directory into your plugin directory. In this directory, you will create a dmSimpleBlogTest.php file.
require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/helper/dmSimpleBlogUnitTestHelper.php'); $helper = new dmSimpleBlogUnitTestHelper(); $helper->boot(); $t = new lime_test(); $t->comment('Testing dmSimpleBlog plugin');
You've certainly noticed that we include a file (dmSimpleBlogUnitTestHelper.php) under a directory called helper. This file will be used to bootstrap the unit test.
So let's create a helper directory under your test/unit directory, and put the dmSimpleBlogUnitTestHelper.php in it.
require_once(getcwd() .'/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'); require_once(dm::getDir().'/dmCorePlugin/test/unit/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php'); class dmNewsUnitTestHelper extends dmUnitTestHelper { protected $limeTest; public function setLimeTest(lime_test $t) { $this->limeTest = $t; } }
Quite simple isn't it ? It just extends the Diem unit test base class. You can use this class for whatever you want. For example, it can be a good place
to create the objects needed for your test. Then you just have do like usual for writing your unit tests the symfony way.
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