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Add a form on your site

Diem provides flavored symfony forms

In this tutorial, we will take the example of a contact form.
Let's assume you already have a running project.

Add a contact module

Declare the data model

We first need to declare the contact model in the schema.yml file.

  actAs:              [ Timestampable ]  
    name:             { type: string(255), notnull: true }  
    email:            { type: string(255), notnull: true }  
    topic:            { type: enum, values: ['information', 'request', 'proposal of marriage'] }  
    body:             { type: clob }  

Update database

We will now add the table to the database. Let's use the doctrine migration tool. In your project root directory, run:

php symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff  

You should see :

doctrine generating migration diff
file+ /tmp/doctrine_schema_76085.yml
doctrine Generated migration classes successfully from difference

A new doctrine migration class has been generated in /lib/migration/doctrine. Give it a look, then apply the changes :

php symfony doctrine:migrate  

You should see

doctrine Migrating from version 0 to 1
doctrine Migration complete

Now the database contains our new contact table.

Having troubles with doctrine migrations ?

Update model

We will now create the contact model. Run :

php symfony dm:setup  


Declare the module

Now, add a contact module in the modules.yml file :


  ... // your previous modules  

  Feedback:              # arbitrary namespace, used in admin content menu  

    contact:             # module's name  
      components:        # module's components  
        form:            # this module has a form action  

Update the project

As usual, updating project is done with

php symfony dm:setup  

Play with the contact admin interface

Now, in admin application, you should see the "Contacts" link into the "Content" menu. Our visitors requests will be showed here.

Add the form on front application

Create a dedicated page

We will create a dedicated page for our contact form. Click on the "Create page" button, and fill the page's name :
add the contact page
A slug proposition is generated while you enter the name. Feel free to change it if you want.
All entered values may be changed later.

Add the form widget

Now that we are on the contact page, we will drag&drop the contact form widget inside a zone :
dragndrop inside a zone


Before using the form, you should refresh the page (F5).

The form is now functional, you may fill its fields and see the data appear in the admin contact interface.

Customize form class

Validate the email field

As for now, the email fields does not check email validity. Let's fix that.
Open lib/form/doctrine/ContactForm.class.php and add the "$this->changeToEmail('email');" line :

class ContactForm extends BaseContactForm
  public function configure()  

It's just a shortcut to

$this->validatorSchema['email'] = new sfValidatorEmail($this->validatorSchema['email']->getOptions());  

Now the email field must contain a valid email.

Learn more about forms from the symfony form documentation.

Customize the form template

Look into the apps/front/modules/contact/templates/_form.php file :

 * Action for Contact : Form  
 * Vars : $form  
echo $form;  

Well, it's sufficient to make it work, but what if we want to customize the way the form is displayed ? Replace the file content with :

 * Action for Contact : Form  
 * Vars : $form  
// open the form tag with a contact_form css class  
echo $form->open('.contact_form');  
// open a ul tag  
echo _tag('ul',  
  // open a li tag and write name label, field and error message inside  
  _tag('li', $form['name']->label()->field()->error()).  
  // same with email, and add a help message  
  _tag('li', $form['email']->label()->field()->help('Will never be published')->error()).  
  // change the label text for topic  
  _tag('li', $form['topic']->label('What is it about ?')->field()).  
  _tag('li', $form['body']->label('Your message')->field())  
echo $form->renderHiddenFields();  
// change the submit button text  
echo $form->submit('Send');  
// close the form tag  
echo $form->close();  

This template uses Diem template helpers

You may want to learn more about Diem forms template helpers

Add a confirmation message

When a user has submitted a form successfully, it's a good practice to thank him.

In the contact actions,
we will add the line :
$this->getUser()->setFlash('contact_form', true);

 * Contact actions  
class contactActions extends dmFrontModuleActions  
  public function executeFormWidget(dmWebRequest $request)  
    $form = new ContactForm();  
    if ($request->isMethod('post') && $form->bindAndValid($request))  
      $this->getUser()->setFlash('contact_form_valid', true);  
    // pass the form to the component using the form manager  
    $this->forms['Contact'] = $form;  

Then, in the template, we will add the congratulation message.
apps/front/modules/contact/templates/_form.php :

 * Action for Contact : Form  
 * Vars : $form  
if ($sf_user->getFlash('contact_form_valid'))  
  echo _tag('p.congratulation', 'Thank you for your message');  
// ...the form  

Questions and Feedback

If you need support or have a technical question, you can

  • Get help with the Google Group
  • Get help with the Forum
  • Come and chat on the #diem IRC channel on freenode

The documentation is hosted on GitHub. Feel free to submit issues and patches!

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