If you don't find the solution here, try getting help on google group, or #diem IRC channel on freenode.
How to solve 50% of the problems
Many times, when something goes wrong, running the command$ php symfony dm:setup
will solve it, or at least help to diagnostic the problem.
Diem front pages require less than 16Mb. But sometime, when an administrator performs modifications, Diem needs more memory. Page synchronization, search index repopulation and image resizing may require 48Mo.
Solution: Edit the setting memory_limit in the php.ini file. The more, the better.
Folder permissions are probably too restrictive, and Diem is not allowed to generate the files.
Solution: run the following command :
$ php symfony dm:permissions
If some tests fail, change matching folders permissions with
$ chmod -R 777 my_folder
Then, if the front, click the "Update project" button.
If front templates are still missing, run
$ php symfony dmFront:generate
and you should see a diagnostic of the problem.
Diem does not interfere with doctrine migrations.
Solution: See the symfony documentation and the doctrine documentation about migrations.
This a known Doctrine bug. See: http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-135.
Yes indeed. Improve browser support is one of the priorities.
Solution: use Firefox
Diem needs graphviz installed on the server to generate the dependency injection and database diagrams.
Append in the file /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/envvars this:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
and restart apache (MAMP)
Diem tells apache to send compressed assets in Gzip format to browsers that support it. Sometimes, depending on apache configuration, it may fail.
Solution: open .htaccess in your web directory, and remove or comment the lines between
You can decide what Diem will become. We will focus developments on what you need.
Questions and Feedback
If you need support or have a technical question, you can
The documentation is hosted on GitHub. Feel free to submit issues and patches!