You found a bug, or want to suggest an improvement. Thanks. This is the way to go.
Login or Register to the Diem Redmine community platform and create a new ticket. This is the best way to ensure your problem will get solved, or your feature developed. Fields marked with a * are required.
Choose which Tracker your request concerns: Bug, Feature or Patch.
Type in a comprehensive Subject: can't drop a media to an new record when the media is required
Describe the problem or feature request.
If you are reporting a bug, please give informations necessary to reproduce it.
Leave the Status as New so your entry gets treated. Select the priority you consider your request. Usually features are consider less urgent as bugs.
Leave the Assignee and date fields default, the core team will assign and plan it in.
Choose the Affected version, choose all if you're unsure
All other fields are optional and you may let them empty.
If you are not sure your problem is due to a bug, report it to the diem-users gooogle group.