Diem 5.0.0_ALPHA1
First Alpha release. Do not use on production !
Version notes
November 26, 2009
This is the first Alpha release of Diem 5.0 !
Although some crazy developers already use it ( like for this website ), it is never recommended to deploy an Alpha version on a production server.
View the changelog on symfony trac
Thanks to early adopters, many bugs were fixed.
- fixed admin markdown previsualisation when multiple markdown editors on the page
- fixed dmFormDoctrine when a non-required DmMedia is not provided
- commented services.yml files
- fixed typo in functional tests,
- made dmErrorWatcher extend dmConfigurable
- documented services.yml
- added php to the console's valid commands
- improved skeleton functional tests
- upgraded Zend Framework to 1.9.6
- completed PHP 5.3 support
- removed ftp requirement
- removed non reliable memory infos from dmCoreFunctionalCoverageTest
- fixed typos
- fixed user login in dmCoreFunctionalCoverageTest
- removed non-ready google map widget
- fixed widget_types
- removed deprecated widgets
- made dm:setup create front modules
- Added task user to event log
- added user icon to sprite 24
- fixed media creation in admin
- made content chart hide empty tables
- fixed unknown media image
- fixed theme service event parameters
- fixed form generation
- made dmFrontGenerateTask more robust and added error messages
- fixed old fashion calls to logBlock in tasks
- updated dmDoctrineRecord & dmDoctrineTable for the very last symfony svn version
- made dmFormManager fill forms dependencies for the current page, if any
- made dmSetupTask more secure
- added service_container dependency to form_manager
- improved admin dmSetting module
- made module manager config handler more robust
- fixed dmLogView xhtml compliance
- cleaned default config
- fixed seo synchronization
- removed dmSeoSynchronizer markdown service dependency
- removed error when log chart is empty
- added alert in admin code editor
- cleaned installer
- fixed installer for the very last svn symfony version
- disabled redirection loremization
- fixed dmRedirect interface
- fixed gwt meta generation
- fixed indentation in many files
- improved markdown header automatic ids
- added markdown auto_header_id option
- tweaked default cdn config
- removed unsed dmFront components
- added main language to installer options
- fixed dmContext->listenToConfigUpdatedEvent method
- fixed file backup
- changed dmSearchPageDocument fields boost
- improved installer when no database password
- made dmThemeManager extend dmConfigurable
- removed front toolbar theme selector when only one theme
- added getPreviousQuery and getNextQuery to doctrine Sortable template
- made PluginDmPageTable->preloadPages method more robust
- made file_backup service extend dmConfigurable
- added static access to helper service : dm::getHelper()
- fixed dmAdminLinkTag static dependency to script_name_resolver service
- removed deprecated dmHtml class
- refactored all link_tag_* and media_tag_* services to remove static dependency to the service container
- fixed file permissions on generated thumbs, code and backups
- added dmUpgradeTask to ensure Diem backward compatibility
- deprecated dmGenerateMigrationTask and dmSpriteTask
- fixed strict warning on dmTableTag
- updated doctrine admin generator and forms according to symfony enhancements
- moved service container dumped file
- cleared service container dumped files when the dm.config.updated event is notified
- added one service per link_tag type and media_tag type
- added ability to inject dmConfig values to the service container builder with dmServiceContainerLoaderConfiguration class
- cleaned all stylesheets and replaced tabs by two spaces
- added default title widget on project creation
- fixed dmPermissionsTask
- added permissions check to dmSetup task
- fixed refresh popup style in front
- added dmFrontDoctrineHelper->setContext method and made service container call it
- improved front component comments generation
- fixed dmFrontDoctrinePager bad links when refreshed with ajax
- made front default page layout more robust
- removed front default theme
- fixed web response access to service container
- removed deprecated dmWebDebugPanelTimer
- disabled automatic admin csv export as it is not ready yet
- improved skeleton
- fixed dmString::truncate method
- improved database loremizer
- fixed admin sorting
- made sitempa generation more robust
- removed admin log view table head
- moved mb_internal_encoding configuration to dmCorePluginConfiguration
- fixed installer
- added configurable automatic ids for header in markdown service
- improved skeleton
- added helper service getter in dmBaseActions
- fixed coding conventions in dmString
- added truncation in log entries configuration
- allowed to add anchors to markdown internal links
- improved server check
- added helper service getter in layout_helper service
- global cleanage
- removed deprecated models and modules for DmAbbr & DmLang
- refactored i18n message source to use pdo with doctrine connection
- removed deprecated admin filters dm_seo & dm_html
- cleaned config.yml files
- added i18n and helper dependency to admin bread_crumb service
- replaced all remaining ugly static accesses by beautifull service container accesses
- added £, £o, £c, £link, £media & £table methods to helper service
- added helper dependency to admin log_view service
- removed html validation because symfony 1.4 now does it in functional tests
- added dm_ prefix to template translation tables
- added helper dependency to the markdown service
- removed deprecated class myAdminMenu from skeleton
- removed seo validation utilities
- made admin.js & front.js simpler in skeleton
- added some style in mardown.css in skeleton
- removed automatic orderBy table options in Sortable doctrine extension because it makes complex requests fail
- removed deprecated dmInitFilter->saveHtml method
- removed some deprecated permissions and groups from dmDataTask
- cleaned dmWebResponse
- cleaned asset compressors
- removed deprecated methods in dmBaseServiceContainer
- improved dmFrontFunctionalTest performances
- cleaned dmHtmlMenu
- cleaned layout helper services
- dmMediaTagImage->overlay now requires a dmMediaTagImage instance as argument
- removed *.xcf from images dir
- removed html validation methods from javascript controllers
- cleaned widget views
- cleaned dmFrontInitFilter
- cleaned dmFrontBaseServiceContainer
- added dmFrontHelper & dmAdminHelper classes to implement the helper service
- added helper dependency to page_helper service
- cleaned front default theme
- desactivated the dmSeoValidation admin module
- added validate option to automatic functional tests
- fxed dmConfigForm boolean widget defaults
- improved dmScriptNameResolver
- made dmAuth->signin redirect to front if user is not allowed to acces administration
- Improved admin response automatic title
- added dmContext->reloadModuleManager method
- reverted last change in Sortable doctrine extension
- added anchor option to form rendering
- removed deprecated method dmForm->renderCsrfProtection
- improved dmForm hidden field automatic rendering
- fixed dmFormDoctrine autoFieldsToUnset
- reloaded module manager during setup task
- added dmCoreLayoutHelper->getMetas method and improved metas rendering
- added dm.response.filter_metas filter to filter and modify the metas list just before rendering
- improved search widget
- and little improvments
- addedDmTableRelationHolder->getForeignByClass method
- improved Sortable doctrine extension. It now sets up table orderBy option and foreign relations orderBy option to "position ASC"
- removed deprecated sfWidgetFormDmDoctrineChoice class
- updated admin generator class & templates
- removed TUTO file
- updated the LICENSE file
- removed deprecated methods dmDoctrineTable->getDefaultQuery & dmDoctrineTable->getSortColumnName
- Allowed link drag&drop in admin markitup textareas
- fixed comment typo in dmAdminBreadCrumb class
- fixed links to page record in admin
- made automatic page seo preview more robust
- added dm_xhr parameter to all ajax call
- removed deprecated dmRedirect admin module view config
- made search engine update more robust, and give more information on error
- fixed front widget ajax update when file uploaded
- fixed link drag&drop on front widgets
- removed useless message in dmBaseActions->forwardSecure method
- made dmBaseActions->renderJson handle special case of json return as a response to a file upload with jquery.form
- added parent validation in dmModuleManagerConfigHandler
- improved performance on dmDoctrineQuery->withI18n method by allowing to pass the rootAlias as a parameter
- fixed dmForm->removeCsrfProtection to make it work even before the field has been set up
- made dmFileLog->getEntries method work even if function mb_strlen does not exist
- added dmMarkdown->replaceInternalLink method
- improved dmMarkdown->brutalToText to handle links
- fixed markdown tables
- removed ugly static call in PluginDmArea class ( used serviceContainer instead, if available )
- cached width and height attribute in PluginDmMedia class
- handled pages with no more modules in PluginDmPage class, and allowed to delete them in front interface
- removed deprecated ->findOneBySlug
- improved nearly all methods of PluginDmPageTable class to gain some boost
- disabled list page creation for modules without show page
- added keywords usage test in dmSearchPageDocument class
- made dmMediaTagImage show the original image when there is nothing ( size, filter, overlay... ) to modify. Avoids png problems.
- fixed debugging when project update go wrong
- added generic 1% margins in util.css
- fixed front page tree pages urls
- improved dmWidgetNavigationBreadCrumbView class and added the dm.bread_crumb.filter_pages event to allow to filter and modify the pages list from outside
- dmWidgetListForm now defaults orderField to "position" for Sortable tables
- fixed dmWidgetContentMediaView->doRenderIndex
- dmWidgetAdvancedSearchFormView now defaults the query to the request query parameter, if any
- made front search results widget maxPerPage field not required
- fixed various bugs in dmWidgetAdvancedSearchResultsView
- added titlePosition field in front text widget form ( defaults to 'outside' )
- made front code editor use the helper service to return the stylesheet path for asynchronous reload
- fixed typo in dmWidgetActions->renderError
- improved search results widget default template
- improved documentation
- removed unused jQuery libs
- fixed timers on prod env